Brian Bi
Brian Bi is a rising 9th grader. He was a member of Miller Science Olympiad black team, and participated with Disease Detective (State 3rd place, Regional 2nd place) /Food Science (Regional 4th place)/Helicopter (Regional 4th place) events. He likes math (qualified AIME since 6th grade and qualified USAJMO at 8th grade) and he also enjoys physics and coding.
Brian Xue
Brian Xue is a rising 9th grader at Lynbrook. He has been a member of Miller Science Bowl Team for two years, and won national 5th in 2021 for NSB. His loves Math, Physics and Coding. Brian is USAJMO qualifier and USACO Gold Qualifier. He has been in the Mathcount team for miller middle school for 3 years.
Franklin Yang
Franklin Yang is a rising 9th grader. He has competed in the Miller Science Olympiad teams for 3 years. He has won 25+ top medals in events at regional, state and national invitational tournaments. Some examples of the events: Anatomy & Physiology, Circuit Lab, Codebuster, Density Lab, Dynamic Planet, Heredity, Ping-Pong Parachute, and Water Quality. Franklin is AIME qualifier and USACO Silver Qualifier.
Jiahe Lu
Jiahe Lu is currently an 8th grader at Miller Middle School. He has participated in the Miller Science Olympiads team for 3 years, spending 1 year in each of the teams. Some of the events that he has done are: Circuit Lab, Road Scholar, Experimental Design, Anatomy & Physiology, Machines, Ping-Pong Parachute, and Game on. Jiahe is interested in many fields of STEM and regularly participates in competitions on those subjects. Jiahe has also qualified for USACO Gold and AIME.
Jianyu Wang
Jiayu Wang is a rising 9th grader at Miller Middle School. He has participated in the Miller Science Olympiads Team for 3 years. His events in 8th grade were: Road Scholar, Density Lab, Write It Do It. He has also participated in Miller Science Bowl Team for 2 years. Jianyu has won many medals for his events in State and Invitational Competition. He also won the 2021 National 5th for Science Bowl with the miller team.
Kristine Yu
Kristine Yu is a rising 8th grader at Stratford. She has practised martial arts since 8 years old. She won Straight Sword 3rd Place in 2019 8th World Kungfu Championships held at Emeishan City, China.
Michelle Ge
Michelle Ge is a rising 8th grader at Basis Silicon Valley. She learned played tennies at very young age and currently is National Tournament Top Winner for Girl Tennis.
Alex Hu
Alex is a rising senior at Del Norte High School in San Diego. He has been coding in Java and C++, as well as working on web development, for several years, and has taken AP Computer Science A at school. He enjoys working on his own coding projects such as Minecraft modding and game design to develop his passion.
Shirina Cao
Shirina Cao is a rising 8th Grader at Redwood Middle School. She has been dancing since she was three years old and won more than 30+ medals, including the national championship.
Edward Huang
Edward Huang is a rising 10th grader at the Harker school. He has been coding in Java and C++ since middle school. Edward has recently completed AP computer science with data structures at school. He is also an AIME qualifier and USACO gold qualifier.